Tuesday, January 26, 2010

being sick sucks

I'm sick. And that makes me ornery and irritable and generally a bitch.

I'm sorry to everyone I've made suffer through irritability and bitchiness. Of course, if you would just do things the right way (ie my way) there would be no problem.

Being sick in addition to all the other frustrations in my life just amplifies everything. I'm horribly unhappy at work. So unhappy. My boss's voice irks me. My staff makes me want to pull out my hair and yell. And when the mail comes I want to throw it against the wall. Followed by my stapler and computer.

Other areas in my life are not so hot. Really, just the one. And if you know me at all, you know what it is. And I did finally realize what I need to do to deal with that. And I'm scared and terrified and afraid I'll wuss out at the last minute. But enough people have my back (for lack of a better phrase) that I will go through with this.

Overall, I'm in a pretty good place. Except for the one BIG thing and the work thing. And sadly those two things encompass so much of my life that I forget that overall, I'm pretty happy.

And then I go and get sick.

And I become irritable and bitchy and ornery. Or as my boss called me today 'feisty.' But that was because I disagreed with her. (I was right, though.)

And to add to my orneriness (is that a word?) I read things on the internets. So here's a top 5 list of things that are currently pissing me off.

1. Teabaggers. There is so much fundamentally frustrating about their existence that I can't even really begin to explain. There's the name, the constant reference to September 12, 2001, the self-righteous indignation, the Glenn Beck. Ugh.

2. Pro-Life Superbowl Ads. I ... I mean ... WTF?

3. The NYTimes is apparently more concerned with what reporters are wearing to cover the earthquake in Haiti than covering what was happening in Haiti.

4. Joan Rivers is back on Fashion Police. Okay, my problem with this is basically that this show does little more than body snark women and men. And Joan Rivers snarked on Sophia Loren's plastic surgery in a clip that I saw. I know a lot of people love Joan Rivers. I have always found her insufferable. She bugs me and I don't think her commentary about Christina Hendricks' back fat is all that valuable to our cultural development.

Okay, so my blood pressure went up a bit too much during this list. So I'll keep it at 4.

Now it's time to focus on happy things.

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